26TH ORDINARY SUNDAY C Amos 6:1, 4-7; 1 Timoti 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-21
RICHES & POVERTY resulting in SIN OF OMMISSION & REWARD TO THE HELPLESS Having riches is neither sin nor crime in itself. But if the wealth becomes everything for oneself and makes oneself to forget God and neighbor leaving him in pride and selfishness, then it ruins his whole life.
Riches, here does not mean wealth alone butriches of all kinds--of money, intelligence, health, power, social or religious status. Though all of them are good in themselves, these riches can lead one to forget about God and everyone else except himself. The real rich man is the one who makes use of his wealth for the common good of man. When one does not take care of this factor,
the wealth awakens egoism in man and Egoism nurtures the pride and Pride creates a new world and moulds the person to close his eyes towards the needy and will have no time nor will to reach out the poor, needy and the oppressed. By the time he realizes this fact the damage has been already done. On the other hand if he has the love and concern towards the poor, comes to the aid of those in need and makes use of his riches for the good and benefit of the society then he will have its fruits as the reward in the life after death.
Let us analyze the parable: The parable is not meant to defame those who have worked long and hard for their financial position in life. The parable is meant to help us all to recognize the responsibilities our positions in life as demanded.
The sin of the rich man is the sin of omission that is originated in pride due to riches An ancient tale goes like this: A certain rich man after his death, walked in to heaven. But at the seat of judgment, the lord rewarded him with hell. He asked the lord angrily ‘I have done nothing, I have done nothing and why do you punish me with hell?’ And the lord responded immediately saying: yah, yah, there you are! You have done ABSOLUTELY nothing. That’s why I am sending you to hell.
The rich man in the parable also might have not done anything wrong. But he closed his eyes towards Lazar who is in need of his help. He had the luxurious life but did not care to bother about lazar who is at his gate; a mere ignorance. He eats lambs and calfs to his stomach full and left overs are thrown into trash bin, but did not bother Lazar even to have the bread crumbs that have fallen from his table; a mere carelessness.
He drinks wine anoints with the best oil and covered with best Linen but never bothered the homeless lazar who had the skin covered with sores; a mere unconcern.
All these ignorance, carelessness, unconcern etc are the fruits of PRIDE. This is not a direct sin but passive.
That is to say not doing what is to be done. And this is called in the language of Moral Theology:
the sin of omission. He is habituated in the sin of pride that even after his death he is not changed of his nature. He looks at lazar as a servant because he was a beggar and wants to make use of his services even from hell. When he is thirsty he should have asked Abraham to satisfy it. The way should be left to him. But asks him to send Lazar! When he is refused, he thinks of his own people. Even for their sake he wants make use of the services of lazar and asks to send him with a lame excuse. But one can be sure if Lazarus goes back from the dead they will never listen to him rather chase him away saying ‘this man while alive he is only at gate but after he comes as to inside also.’ On the other hand Lazar also did not do any good deeds to go to heaven. But he is helpless. Hence God has come to his help and took him to heaven. That is why he is at the bosom of Abraham.
Jesus promises in the beatitudes: blessed are you who are poor for the kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you…now hungry for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you … now weeping for you will laugh.
Hence the challenges that are placed before us
: let not pride make us blind; Do not ignore the needy but reach out to them: like at the wedding at Cana. React instantly to the acts of humiliation, oppression, injustice done to the weaker section of people as Jesus reacted in the house of Simon in concern to sinful women. Reach out to the helpless as Jesus asked on his own “do you want to be cured?” Extend concern to the people left over by the society (out casted, low class), as Jesus to Zacheus.
Before I conclude I urge you to turn your ears, your mouths and all your strengths towards most important lazar in the womb, the unborn. In spite of the situations and circumstances, speak out, counsel them, be a support to them, and save the life of unborn.
There was a big poster right in front of a Catholic Church in California, an infant stretches out its hand towards the world and the caption reads:
“TAKE MY HAND but NOT TAKE AWAY MY LIFE” ++++++++++++++ -Fr. John Raju Email: [email protected] Phone: (local) 8455233242